I hope you are all doing well. I don’t know about you, but it took me a few weeks of quarantine to change my mindset and choose to focus on positivity and leadership. I have found that creating a schedule, focusing on self-improvement, and knowing this Will pass in time, has allowed me to get out of bed and continue to lead others in a positive way. I hope by spreading positivity and encouraging others to stay strong in these tough times- we together can get through this.
Last week we discussed tip #1 of the “10 tips to help you put your Best Foote Forward throughout the recruiting process”, which was FOCUS ON YOU! We focused on controlling what we can control, not comparing ourselves to others, and taking some time to self reflect on what we want out of our experience as a Student-Athlete.
Today, we discuss tip #2-Take the time to Evaluate yourself: Academically, Physically, Emotionally, Mentally.
The recruiting process should be looked at as a journey. There is no “one size fits all” product that can perfectly match you to the school of your dreams. However I hope by providing some insider tips, tricks, and tactics, I can inspire and educate you to continue to put your Best Foote Forward.
Remember: It’s your own journey. Journeys are marathons, not sprints. It’s a process.
Like I have said before: The more educated and prepared we are, the less stressful the process can be. You can begin to see the process as a privilege, and honor instead of a scary beast!
Tip # 2 focuses on EVALUATION. It is important to honestly self evaluate. Take the time to find someone you trust, a coach or mentor who can provide you honest feedback, and help prepare a system to track progress.
To be successful at the next level you must be able to thrive in all aspects- Academically, Physically, Emotionally, and Mentally. Being a student-athlete isn’t for everyone. By having tough conversations now with coaches and mentors NOW, you can start to see what level (Division 1, 2, 3) is best for you, and honestly analyze where you will thrive.
BFF INSIDER: TIP #2- Evaluate yourself: Academically, Physically, Emotionally, Mentally
The second tip is to now sit down and evaluate different parts of who you are, and where you want to go. Dream Big- but it’s important to be as honest as possible.
Sit down with a coach or mentor and ask for help in evaluating these areas.
(BFF Lacrosse has created a systematic approach to doing this. If interested we can help with a professional evaluation)